Educational institutions, please stop use of pirated & outdated softwares to teach

April 7, 2019 (5y ago)

Every educational board strives for providing better quality of knowledge in their textbooks. They taught students that they should not pirate software. Such practices were explained as computer ethics to students in Information Technology. They surely made the curriculum right but they failed to check that the schools themselves were breaking those ethics by using pirated software. This story isn't just about schools but also about degree colleges.

The software used for education by these institutions are not appropriate. They either pirate Paid software or use outdated and inefficient programs. I don't know the proper reason behind this but I have a solution. Schools & Colleges should exclusively stick to free and open source software. Instead of pirating windows they should install a linux distribution like Ubuntu or Fedora on every device. These operating systems are free, open-source, powerful, and have strong support from the community. Sometimes these institutions do provide it installed, but it's either outdated or broken.. installed just for namesake. In degree courses, institutions should allow students to bring their own machinces. This will allow transparency and flexibility as they'll learn to tailor their own device's software with their experience and knowledge simultaneously.

Coming to the software part, there are many software alternatives available that are free, uses the latest in the market, has less bugs, and open-source. For example, instead of using the old outdated turbo c++ in class, they can use atom or visual studio code with any c++ compiler.

Companies like Microsoft, Github, Jetbrains also offer their premium tools for free or heavy discounts to teachers and students. I believe, the board of education should make changes in a way which limits or ends this inappropriate use of technology for teaching. The advantage of this is they'll cost nothing, students will be working on better technologies, everyone will get better support from software maker and the community as the softwares aren't pirated or outdated, the increase in institution's value among others who doesn't follow these ethics.

The board can atleast update their syllabus and provide links/names for softwares to be used in every schools and colleges with the minimum/recommended version to be installed and monitor it as well.

The board can provide a website or list with guidelines to every school or colleges where the software names will be listed with the minimum version to be installed (that will be updated with every update), and a committee to monitor educational institutions to prevent use of outdated or pirated softwares.

Here's the link for Jetbrain's student site for students and teachers: & Github's Student Developer Pack:

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